Cracking the 10 Common Personality of Tech Workers

Chatrine Hogan
3 min readJan 30, 2024

Never in a million years did I imagine myself as a PR professional working with tech giants like Uber, Twitter, and ByteDance. My aspirations leaned towards journalism, envisioning myself reporting stories from conflict zones like Afghanistan, capturing the human impact behind the wars. Human stories fascinated me, and becoming a communications strategist for major companies was never part of the plan.

But life has a funny way of leading us down unexpected paths. So, how did I find myself here, and what drew me to the tech industry? It all began with a leap of faith, transitioning from journalism in Washington DC to joining a PR agency in Jakarta.

Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

I owe my career in PR to the PR agency in Jakarta; it was my training ground, shaping me into the professional I am today. I learned the complexity of crafting press releases, advising businesses on brand positioning, and captivating audiences with compelling stories. Among the diverse clientele, tech companies stood out, introducing me to a world of jargon like cloud computing, security protocols, APIs, hardware, and software.

As I dug deeper into the tech realm, I was in awe at the complexity behind the innovations shaping our daily lives. With each project, I gained valuable insights into the inner workings of the industry.



Chatrine Hogan

Mom & PR Pro for Netflix, TikTok, Uber. Tuesday: Leadership/Career Writer. Thursday: Motherhood/Travel Blogger. 🌟