Eldest Daughter Confession

Chatrine Hogan
2 min readMar 11, 2024
Photo by Artur Aldyrkhanov on Unsplash

Being an eldest daughter comes with a unique set of experiences, shaping who we are and the expectations we carry. Today, I want to explore some unspoken wishes that dance on the lips of many eldest daughters, myself included:

1. I wish they saw the invisible work I do. From managing the household to mediating sibling squabbles, the eldest daughter often shoulders hidden burdens. We crave acknowledgment for the silent efforts that keep the family running smoothly.

2. I wish they recognized the pressure I feel. The weight of expectations, the responsibility to set an example, and the constant comparison to younger siblings can be a heavy crown to wear. We long for validation and understanding of the unique pressures we face.

3. I wish they appreciated my individuality. Sometimes, the eldest daughter becomes synonymous with “responsible” or “mature,” overshadowing our individual dreams and desires. We yearn to be seen beyond these labels and embraced for our true selves.

4. I wish they remembered I need support too. While we’re often expected to be the strong ones, we’re human too. We crave moments of vulnerability, where we can confide in our parents without feeling judged or expected to solve everything ourselves.

5. I wish they offered a different perspective. We often carry the weight of their…



Chatrine Hogan

Mom & PR Pro for Netflix, TikTok, Uber. Tuesday: Leadership/Career Writer. Thursday: Motherhood/Travel Blogger. 🌟