Why “Just Try!” is My Important Parenting Mantra

This mantra celebrates the act of trying, reducing the fear of failure.

Chatrine Hogan
4 min readMar 28, 2024
Photo by Umit Y Buz on Unsplash

Parenting is a balancing act, and it’s always Day-1 on the job. We see our duty as parents to prepare and equip our children with the necessary skills not only to survive but also to thrive in the world. So, one of our parenting mantras is “Just try it, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to continue!” We encourage our children to explore the world with curiosity and courage while ensuring they feel safe and secure.

From Fear to Fun on Horseback Riding

We decided to introduce our son to horseback riding for the first time. He seemed a bit hesitant and wanted to leave the stable. So, I knelt down and told him, “Just give it a try. If you don’t like it, we can stop.” By the end of the session, he was beaming with joy, proud that he had the courage to ride a horse. And guess what? He’s been hooked on horseback riding ever since!

Encouraging Exploration, Not Pressure

I was raised in an environment where my parents would push my boundaries, and at times, it felt like pressure rather than guidance. For example, as a kid, I never liked going on stage for singing or dancing. I’d get nervous and even…



Chatrine Hogan

Mom & PR Pro for Netflix, TikTok, Uber. Tuesday: Leadership/Career Writer. Thursday: Motherhood/Travel Blogger. 🌟